Dental Veneers

Say cheese—if you’ve examined your smile and have noticed issues such as discoloration, chipped or broken teeth, spacing problems, or size misalignments, then you may just be the perfect candidate for veneers! Dental veneers have become a popular treatment that offers a simple solution to common cosmetic dentistry concerns. Learn about the ins and outs of getting veneers and schedule an appointment with a dental professional on Booksy to achieve the smile you’ve always dreamt of.
Dental Veneers
What are veneers?

What are veneers?

Veneers are thin, tooth-shaped structures that are bonded to the front of the teeth in order to improve their overall appearance. Dental veneers are most commonly made of porcelain or composite resin material, which create a natural-looking effect and correct a multitude of cosmetic dental issues. How do veneers work? During the veneers process, your dental professional will shave down some of your teeth’s enamel to prep the teeth for applying the veneers. Then, a mold of your mouth will be created, which will allow your specialist to create a set of customized veneers, built just for you. Finally, once the veneers are ready, your dentist will install and adjust them to fit seamlessly. How much do veneers cost? The total price of veneers will depend not only on where you go to get them done, but also whether you choose composite or porcelain veneers. Composite veneers cost between $400 to $2,000 per tooth whereas the porcelain variety is priced higher at around $925 and $2,000 per tooth, on average. How long do veneers last? Most people considering veneers end up wondering, are veneers permanent? Although veneers aren’t a permanent solution to cosmetic dental worries, they do last a very long time as they are bonded to the teeth. In most cases, depending on the type of veneers you choose, you can expect them to last around 10 to 20 years. How to care for veneers? One huge advantage of getting veneers is that they don’t require any additional upkeep, apart from standard oral care! Regular brushing, flossing, hygienic maintenance, and the recommended bi-annual dental appointments are typically enough to keep veneers looking their very best.